Meat Loaf Tribute

Saturday 26 August 2023 - 9:00 PM until 11:00 PM

About the Event

Pure Meatloaf was formed in 2004 when Andy P won his heat of the television show “Stars In
Their Eyes” .
After winning Andy went on to sing live in the finals of the show where he came in second
place with 64,000 votes
singing the Meatloaf classic “Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad”.
Since appearing on the show, Andy has taken the show all over the UK and around the world.
He has performed for Royalty and has had the privilege of singing in many and varied different
types of venues
from rock shows to castles.
The show consists of Andy and a female vocalist, and covers an array of Meat Loaf classic hits
from his most successful albums.

Find Us

Market Cross, 14 Luton Road, Dunstable, LU5 4JN